Monday, June 23, 2008

Time flies when ....

The days weeks and years seem to rush by ... contrary to the felt experience of some of the younger people I know. It seems like just a short while ago that I with my fourteen other novices began the journey to become Dominicans (August, 1977). It seems even more impossible that it has been 24 years, yesterday, since my ordination to the priesthood. I would never have dreamed in my earlier years that such would be my blessing. Now I am serving in a parish that I rarely even thought of visiting in my first years as a Dominican. It is, in many ways a real blessing to be here and to experience first hand the deep faith of those who worship here ... and as is true of so many other parishes, the special people who keep one on ones toes.
If you find yourself lost in Portland, stop by and say a prayer or two. Our church is open all day and we have many opportunities to experience the grace of God at work in your life. I might even let you see my simple HO layout ....


Anonymous said...

Hi Vincent,

Congrats. 30 years go by that fast ...

"Portland Rose" finished.

By the way, the counter on Dominican Liturgy just passed 10,000 visits this morning. Not bad in two months.

Anonymous said...

Ola, presidente!

More pictures and progress report on the Rose Gulch and Portland? Please?

Anonymous said...

The progress in RGandP has slowed as I deal with other issues for a few weeks. I did receive a gift of a small switching engine 0-4-0 but it will probably be kept for Christmas under the tree rather than serious work. I do thank the donor for the thoughtfulness of the gift.